Sunday, August 30, 2009


It is raining AGAIN. But I am getting used to it, i guess. I will need to get used to it. On my walk to church this morning the rain was coming from every direction, there was no way of blocking it. I had remembered to grab my umbrella before leaving the home, thankfully. I was very wet for the whole service, not nice, trust me. I think that I need to invest in a rain jacket this week.
Last week I made a Butternut squash (pumpkin) , spinach and chickpea curry. It was very yummy. I didn't put in chili, but chili powder as well as mixed spice. So if you are looking for an easy dish, you should try this, it went down well. tasted great the day after i made it. If anything, it is very visually pleasing, which in my book is always important.
I am going to launch into being active this coming week as I have spent the afternoon in bed (wrapped in my Snuggie, mummy sent me one), dozing on and off and am now feeling extremely lazy :(
Currently enjoying Florence and the Machine. FANTASTIC!
Happy Birthday to my lovely cousin Fio, for this week. Super jealous if you will be making it to her party.
all my love xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rhiannon
    I'm sorry it's still raining for you. A rain jacket would be a good idea. And gumboots. You will get value out of them there ... not here though!!
    Thanks for the idea for the curry. Please keep passing along your food hints. Saves me having to rack my brains. Was lovely having you 'visit' the party last week. Hope that helped you feel part of it.
    Love from the Eltham crew
